lessons of life

In the course of our journey in life we go through various experiences, some of which are not palatable. Some folks are betrayed by their most trusted friends or acquaintances, for others it is rejection, loss of a job, financial loss, lack etc.. Whatever they are God has given us the power to choose our reactions to such experiences. Would you rather look back over them and pick up the lessons and move on to become a better person, or would you prefer to shift blames and be bitter about them?
The choice is yours. Srully Blotnick once said “what looks like a loss may be the very event which is subsequently responsible for helping to produce the major achievement of your life”.
Reading through Joseph’s experience of moving from prison to palace(Gen 39-45), there was no other person qualified to be bitter after all that he went through but interestingly the weight of the blessing that God brought into his life after all the trials outweighed the pains.
It is my prayer that as you journey through this year, the experiences that look like your stumbling block will be the very stepping stone to your victory and celebration in Jesus Name.
Like I usually say the trials come to make us strong and to make the story of our life sweeter. What would the story of our life be without those intrigues and suspense? ........indeed all things work together for good for those that love God and are called according to his purpose in Christ Jesus.
Have a great week.


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