As humans, we have dreams, goals, and aspirations. However, each time we try to proceed toward the achievement of those dreams, we are often faced with fears challenging our ability to achieve them. Our dreams, goals, and projects will not always come on a platter of Gold. There will be challenges and oppositions on the way, but our ability to stay courageous and keep moving toward them sets us apart.

When you get an idea to start a Project or Business, write a book, learn a new skill, Switch Careers, or Relocate abroad, you will hear voices in your head telling you a thousand and one reasons why you are not capable or qualified to achieve your dreams: "You are not good enough," "What would people say?" "What if you fail?" "You are too young," "You are too old for this."

At this point, what we often do, is to get into agreement with our fears and bow out so easily without a fight. It takes courage to look at your fears head-on and keep taking bold and little steps in the direction of the fulfillment of your dream. If you want to write a book, start by writing a page daily. In doing so, you will develop the confidence and courage to move to the next level of achieving the big picture. Each time you take those bold little steps, your Courage grows.

I started in business from scratch about 10 years ago, facing every fear and challenge on the way one day at a time. These experiences have come in very handy, and given me a frame of reference and confidence for other projects I have embarked on afterward. I always remind myself, that if I did it before, then I can repeat the process.

Often, what we fail to realize is that everyone who has achieved great feats in life had some form of fear or the other they had to confront and conquer. The Aliko Dangote and Elon Musk of this world also have their fair share of fears. The difference, however, is that they have become proficient in dealing with them and moving towards their dreams regardless.

Don’t let fear cripple you, rather let it propel you towards the achievement of your desired goal.



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