15 years ago, I started a blog on Personal, Leadership and Entrepreneurship Development. These are topics that I’m passionate about, but for some reasons I couldn’t sustain the momentum. Today, I’m back!!! ... Like I never left. I’m back to pick up the pieces of my abandoned dream, dust it up, get on track and proceed on My journey to Purpose.

One thing I noticed however, is the fact that I didn’t have to struggle to get myself in the mood and in motion this time around….Why? It’s because I already have a frame of reference on this task. I have been here before. I may not be a “Pro” yet but this is not a new feat for me at all, I’m not a novice.

There’s a lesson I’m trying to draw out of the background story of my Blog writing. I could have easily viewed my inability to sustain my initial goal of Blogging as a Failed Project. However, reframing the experience helped me keep things in proper perspective.

I viewed my initial “failed attempt” as an opportunity that helped me gain the experience for smooth sailing this time around.   What project have you embarked on that didn’t turn out as expected? Yes, the project might have failed but that doesn’t make you a failure. We need to learn to detach ourselves from experiences. What invaluable lessons did you learn from those experiences and how can you leverage on them for future projects.

As we journey through life, Let us learn to keep in proper perspective, what we Label “Failure”. Failure is an essential ingredient on our journey to Success. One of the most memorable advise I got from one of my mentors is to “Fail Fast, an


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