I came across this story of two young brothers whose father was an alcoholic and drug addict. One of them ended up exactly like their dad while the other became a very successful man. I then began to wonder is it the environment and events of our lives that shape us or our beliefs about those events.
I came to a conclusion that it is actually how we interpret the events of our past that shapes us and who we’ll become tomorrow. Beliefs are so powerful that it distinguished Joshua and Caleb; they dared to believe God’s word in spite of majority opposition. Guess what? They were able to possess their promise land.

In life we usually find ourselves in different unprecedented situation and circumstances. Some we have control over and others we don’t. We may not have control over the family we were born into, our upbringing, nationality but we definitely have control over our beliefs, attitudes, decisions, choice of friends and other things that could influence our life for the better.

It is wisdom to focus our strength, effort and attention on the things we have control over to get the best out of life and ignore those we don’t have any control over such as our prevalent environment. However often times what we do is the reverse.
Life in itself was designed by God to be fulfilling, if only we are armed with the right information that develops the right attitude to life and eventually leads us to the path of success. The battle to succeed in life begins in the mind, most of the time people program their minds and life with wrong information and attitude which eventually control their lives and repels every form of opportunity that may come their way.

Break free from every limiting thought, mindset and attitude that has kept you at the back seat of life. It is time to move forward to possess your promise land and be the man/woman you were designed to be. It’s time for you to begin to think out of the box and begin to see the vast potential and opportunities that lies within and around you and how you can maximize them. Lovely day.


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