
“When the pupil is ready, the teacher will appear” -Plato As i journey through this year, one attitude I have held so dearly is a teachable spirit. John Maxwell once said each person we meet has the potential to teach us something, I agree with this view and I wish to add that even from a fool one can also learn how not to do things. Hence, I have learnt to listen more than I speak, to value the differences in people, cultures, views and opinions…..Hmmmnnn I have really learnt timeless lessons from unlikely people and unlikely places. Life like it is said is a teacher, overtime we learn, unlearn and re-learn lessons with the ultimate of growing to become better persons I have learnt: • That life is basically about relationships (horizontal and vertical) and also to make conscious effort to build, maintain and maximize strategic relationships). • To value people irrespective of whatever phase of life they may be right now…no condition is permanent you know. • Practice the golden rule: D...